These are the poor cousin of the enchiladas. Equal in flavor. Entomatadas de Queso (which basically is cheese enchiladas in tomato sauce). If you think about it all you need is tomatoes, garlic, onion, tortillas and queso fresco, very affordable enchiladas right? Let me tell you, these
They are also very easy to make. The “complicated thing” is the tomato sauce and all you really have to do is to boil the tomatoes, blend them with garlic and onion and cook the sauce for a few minutes.
- Once your sauce is done, grate the queso fresco (you can also use cotija) and set a part.
- heat up a large skillet and spray with cooking spray, place the tortillas on the skillet and spray the tortillas with cooking spray. Cook until soft, turning once durin the process.
- fill each tortilla with a portion or queso fresco and roll them like an enchilada but… it is really an entomatada.
- Cover the entomatadas with the tomato sauce and sprinkle some more cheese on top. You can garnish with onion, cilantro, avocado or jalapeño slices. The flavor of the sauce is so mild but also so comforting, it won’t compete with any of these flavors.
- If you like a little punch, you can finely chop some onions and mic them with the grated cheese.

These are sooo delicious. Also a great family dish, it is mild and tomatoey, the kids love it! Queso fresco is very soft and crumbly you don’t even have to use a grater. I remember that was my favorite part about helping my mom making these entomatadas, I got to crumble the cheese myself! We could never figure out how come we were always short on cheese (giggles).
Recipe below!
Entomatadas de Queso (Queso fresco Enchiladas in Tomato sauce)
- 8 Oz queso fresco
- 10 corn tortillas
- cooking spray
- -
- For the tomato sauce
- 4 ripe Roma tomatoes
- 1 small onion
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 2 teaspoons of salt
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon of cumin
- 1 teaspoon canola oil
- In a sauce pan, cover the tomatoes with water and let it boil for about 10min.
- Once the tomatoes are ready, blend them with the onion, garlic and spices.
- Add oil to a sauce pan and heat it up. Add the sauce and simmer on low for about 10min.
- While the sauce is cooking, grate the queso fresco or crumble it with your hands. Heat a large skillet or comal on medium high heat and spray it with cooking spray, also spray both sides of the tortillas. Heat the tortillas until very soft, it only takes a couple of minutes. Fill each tortilla with a portion of queso fresco and roll them like an enchilada. Place them seam side down on a plate. Repeat until about a 1/4 cup of queso remains. Pour the sauce evenly on the entomatadas and sprinkle the remaining queso on top. You can garnish with avocado, onion, cilantro or jalapeno slices. Eat immediately! Enjoy.