Mexican Chocolate Banana Muffins/ Paleo

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Have you started craving warm flavors as we get closer to fall? I am! I start craving spices so much. Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Clove. They are all so close to my heart and always have an abundance of these in my pantry during fall season. These same spices combined with chocolate remind me so much of Mexican Hot Chocolate. If you’ve not had it, you need to ASAP. It is fragrant, warm and incredible delicious! Just the smell of it takes me right back to my grandmother house, she would always make in when it was chilly outside. That was the best way to warm up body and soul.

Even with all the love I have for Mexican Hot Chocolate I would not make it in a 102 degree weather so… that is going to have to wait for a little longer. For now, I have infused these delicious banana muffins with the same flavors. Cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg and clove. The kitchen was full of a nostalgic aroma and it made me so happy! My kids kept asking every minute “when are those muffins going to be ready?!”

I think we are the whole batch in one day. In out defense, it was a small one. These Muffins are gluten free, dairy free and refined sugar free.

I hope you give this recipe a try!


Hello, my name is Marisol Chancellor. I was born and raised in Monterrey Mexico. I’ve been living in Texas for 12 years, and even when I love barbeque, fruit cobblers, and sweet tea, there’s something that has the power of transporting me right back to my mom’s kitchen and gives me a little piece of home; cooking. I grew up in the kitchen and for me, memories are always linked to food, and behind the food, well, there’s always a story that comes along. So, please let me share with you my love for cooking and while we are at it, let’s share some memories, because let’s be honest, we are also hungry for nostalgia.

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